First impressions of Orthotics

Well first and foremost I only went out for a long run on the Saturday (7 miles) and didn't bother on the Sunday so my mileage for the week was a rather pathetic 19 as opposed to the 30 I stated in my last post. Part of me was feeling lazy, part was the crappy weather and the other part was that the soreness in my knee has started to return. This could be down to the orthotic or just chance (probably the former if I am to be honest). I'm going to persevere with it as although my knee is sore its not unbearable so just needs managing. I suspect the orthotic itself is not the problem - the insoles were taken out and replaced by the orthotics which are not as soft which I think has increased the loads going through the knee. Having said that I'm getting zero discomfort in my feet when running, no blisters, nothing which is great. Although its early days I feel as though I'm running more efficiently and am suffering less muscle fatigue (especially in my calves which were really tight) whilst running and during recovery.

Today I did a 59.15 run at a comfortable pace so was surprised that when I measured it on mapmyrun it came out with 9 miles - that's 6.36 min/miles! Either I was feeling quite good or could it be part down to the orthotics? - answers on a postcard... It really wouldn't surprise me if the orthotics have something to do with it as just as a 0.01sec improvement per stride would result in a 1min 40sec improvement over 9 miles. I'll reserve judgement for the time being as it could just be down to a having a rest day yesterday.

This week is just more training - hope to do 30 miles all being well. Have sort of already given up on the half marathon training schedule as I just felt permanently fatigued. I'll let my body make the decisions!


  1. I think we just have to listen to our bodies sometimes... it is looking encouraging for you though judging from your speeds etc.
    I'm impressed about the cake baking! My weekend was pretty hectic, I'm also really aching from the horse riding.
    My colleague has given me information on a series of runs to be ran over a fortnight; 2 each week, distances ranging from 3k to 10k, in Nottingham, which is a possibility for after my holiday and something to work towards.


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