Brass Monkey 10k at Rockingham Speedway
Over the last couple of weeks I've started to ease off the short speed work in favour of increased mileage and longer tempo runs. At the end of last week I reached 82 miles and I was starting to feel fairly fatigued. I decided a couple of days rest was in order and a late entry to the Brass Monkey 10k before a planned Half Marathon in early March and then the Greater Manchester Marathon (my main focus) in early April. The course was four and a bit laps of Rockingham Speedway which is a fairly flat oval circuit. I knew from the previous race winners time that in all likelihood I was going to be at or near the front and it end up being a bit of a time trial. At the off I led from the very beginning and it was clear within the first 100 metres that I was going to be on my own for the entire race. Its always a lot harder to race by yourself with no one ahead and no one within shouting distance behind. The start - on the right. Hat and gloves - it was...