2008 vs 2016 Training
Not much to report over the last few weeks other than more training. Something that has been at the back of my mind for a while is how my training today compares to what I was doing back in 2008. 2008 At my peak in 2008 I was typically running between 60 - 120 km per week and was usually dependent on injury and whether I had any events planned. Looking back at my training diary the fastest pace I ever did was 3.36 per km over 10km, although that was very much the exception and not the norm. I had a few runs in the 3.50 - 4.00 range but on the whole most runs were between 4.00 - 4.15. To sum up in a sentence I was doing a lot of training at a relatively low intensity pace overall (although I dont recall my pace being particularly slow at the time!). I guess quite a lot of the mileage were 'junk miles' such as running to/from work at little more than a jog but my overall goals back then was to be able to run a marathon and ultra distances. 2016 Fast forward...