Charley Horse aka Night Time Cramps

In the last week I had what is known as a 'Charley Horse', not that I knew it was called that until I did some googling. To most people it is a cramp, but a cramp like no other you will ever experience. This week it was my fifth attack and I'd be lying if I said it is anything other than infrequent - the previous four attacks have been spaced over the last couple of years. So what it is? Well it only ever happens whilst asleep and for me only ever affects my calf. I get about a second or two warning, almost like an earthquake rippling with increasing intensity. Then the most intense pain you could describe that lasts about 10 seconds. I have cracked my head open some years ago in an accident that required multiple stitches, yet this does not even compare. The only way I can describe it, is that my leg is moving in one direction but the muscle is trying to pull it the opposite way. There is only ever going to be one loser in that battle an...