Tamworth 5 Miles
I got back from my USA trip on Thursday afternoon slightly jet lagged and a little worried about how much fitness I might have lost over the last 3 weeks. The good news is that my weight was more or less the same, but my race during the USA trip showed my legs were quite rusty. A few weeks ago I saw the Tamworth 5 mile race advertised and noticed that the route goes near to my house. Although I didn't particularly want to race a few days after my holiday, it seemed rude not to enter. It was also a good opportunity to test some new lighter New Balance trainers I bought whilst in the USA for $50. As I knew the route pretty well I expected the second mile to have a gradual but tough 40 metre climb, followed by an up and down third mile before it being mostly downhill to the finish. The tactics were to hold off for the first couple of miles and then to gradually wind up the pace. We started at Tamworth Athletics Club track and as we set off the pace was extreme...