Spine Race - Autopsy
As mentioned in my preamble the Spine Race is no ordinary event and was the big one I had on the horizon for many months after it was cancelled last year. This was meant to be the race to finish my running 'career' and what a way it would be to sign off! I had promised my wife that post Spine I would tone it down. The short story (read spoiler alert) is that I DNF'd - Did Not Finish. In all of the races I've ever done, this is a first for me, I cannot ever recall having not ever finished a race I've entered. I've always found a way. Essentially the race sucked me in and spat me back out in disdain. This is the story of what happened... The Story... Start to CP1 (Hebden Bridge) After checking in at the Rambler Inn at Edale, I went to my allocated slot to register and have my kit checked. As always with me, as my number ended in a 1, I had a full kit check but to be honest everything passed without problem and soon enough I was on my way. Th...