Burton 10 Miles
Since the Kingsbury Classic a week or so ago I managed to twist my ankle moving some furniture and ever since it has shown the same symptoms I had over a year ago i.e. runnable but back on the same slippery path I've been on in the past. To be honest I think my ankle would have gradually ended up back this way anyway but obviously twisting it was never going to help. I've since had another consultation at hospital and I think its basically a case of having to live with the condition and so may not be able to train in the same way as I've done in the past and perhaps even reassess my goals. Today was the Burton 10 miles; not only a race I've not done before but also a distance that I've not raced. The build up was not fantastic as I went for a meal out with family on Friday for a 5-course Mediterranean Tasting Menu with a few alcoholic drinks. The booze was never going to help but the shear quantity of food I ate meant that I was 4.5lbs heavier than normal come...