Got cold - buggered

Theres a cold being going round work over the last week and looks like I'm going down with it too. Started to feel a bit chesty and my throat is starting to feel lumpy. To say I'm annoyed is an understatement - worked so hard for this and I've been screwed at this late stage.

Will make a decision closer to the time whether I run, and if I do whether to race it.


  1. Hi lloyd, I really hope the cold turns out to be nothing, can imagine how frustrating it will be if you can't run.
    Keeping my fingers crossed you will be fine, but if the worst happens then all the training will stand you in good stead for the biggie next year!

  2. Mate, that's harsh... hope it doesnt get worse. The one thing I'm paranoid about for the MDS is ther fcat that I will be travelling from Sydney to get on the flight to Morroco, and 24 hours in a plane of recycled air makes me hope that I dont pick something up on the way. I might wear a mask all journey :)

    All the best mate... hope it is not too bad


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