Draycote Water - Photos

First photos from the Draycote Water Marathon below. I have to confess that I'm not particularly proud of my dress sense, especially the bottoms which are actually my swim shorts! All the photos during the race must have been taken quite early on as I took off my woolly hat half way round the third lap. I'm sure they'll be more photos in due course.

Me leading just after the start

Chatting to the bloke next to me - about half a mile in

Start of third lap (12 miles), still feeling ok. Jimmy Saville towards the rear of the photo - being lapped

Getting a prize!


  1. Loving the attire Lloyd :) Mind you I look a right sight in my compression shorts and compression top, and I'm a 15 stone rugby player! I get some funny looks, although its better now my weight has dropped from 103kgs to around 90kgs int he last 4-5 months :)

  2. Actually that's wrong it should be 95kgs-ish :)


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