Penultimate week before the OMM

Since the cross country race last weekend I have felt about as confident as I have ever done since starting running again at the beginning of this year. It was the first time I could really compare where I am at now to where I was last year. Having looked at the results more closely I reckon that I'm running about 5 minutes quicker. Although I'm usually hyper critical of my performances, last weekends race was as close as I have ever felt to perfection. I don't think there was much I could have done to improve my position further. As a result I've been running with much of a buzz all week.

As this is the penultimate week before the OMM I've tried to do a decent week but at the same time avoiding doing too much. The day after the race I did a gentle 3 miles but felt a very slight twang in my ankle so didn't do any more. On Monday I did a 7 mile run at a reasonable but comfortable pace of 7.10 min miles. Tuesday was a rest day as apart from anything else I went to see Freddie Starr at the Lichfield Garrick! Wednesday I decided to go along the country lanes as it seemed light enough at the time, but the end of the 7 mile run it was very dark so wasn't a very bright idea (no pun intended...) all in all. I went at a fairly hard pace of 6.43 min miles. Thursday was another rest day and yesterday was just a gentle 5 miler. Today I did a 13 mile run at a comfortable pace of 7.53 min miles and didn't feel too bad at all. I could have gone quite a bit further but didn't want to take too much out of myself with a week to go. Tomorrow I'll try and do another 5 miles before winding down for the OMM. Total mileage for the week will be about 37. During next week I'll only do a couple of easy 3.5 milers to keep things ticking over.

There's been something nasty going around work which when I began feeling flemmy on Monday and Tuesday began to fear the worst. Thankfully nothing has materialised and hopefully its all systems go for next Friday!


  1. Sounds like you're well on track for the OMM. Glad you managed to stave off the bugs, I don't think I've been so lucky though!

  2. Good luck with the OMM, look forward to the report on that.

    I've got a cold as well. We must of all have caught it from the mds forum. :-)


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