Start of Blogging...

Hello and welcome to my blog! Until now I've resisted the urge to create a blog, but finally succumbed. Its all a bit new to me at the moment but hopefully I'll get the hang of it soon!

So why create a blog - well I have a passion for sport, mostly orienteering where I am a member of Walton Chasers in Staffordshire, but also cross-country, cycling and Mountain Marathons. I thought I'd create this site so I can record my achievements (lack of!) and look back on the events I did in years to come.



  1. Good plan Lloyd.

    I am a keen follower of GG and Craney and their blogs- see if you can maintain the same cyberspace standards, even if you never manage to equal their- admittedly impressive- sporting performances!

    Maybe you need a proper nickname, like them!

    I look forward to reading more.....


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